In this, the second in a series of papers on the Anderson model, we "derive" the integral equation satisfied by Gdσ(ω), the Green's function of the d electron of spin σ (allowing the possibility of a weak external magnetic field). The "derivation" of the equation rests on two observations: first, the recognition that the theory is unrenormalizable, so that even the "leading" logarithmic terms are not treated correctly by any finite truncation of the equations of motion; second, the observation that the first three terms in the expansion of the "mass operator" in powers of [ΔUξ(1ξ)] ln(WT) (i.e., all terms up to and including the {[ΔUξ(1ξ)] ln (WT)}3 terms) form a geometric series, with the subsequent assumption that this behavior persists to all orders. One consequence of this assumption is that TC [the temperature at which the real part of the denominator of Gdσ(ω) vanishes] is proportional to e1Jρ, in agreement with the value obtained in the sd exchange model.