The Effect of Transfusion on Lung Capacity, Diffusing Capacity, and Arterial Oxygen Saturation in Patients with Thalassemia Major

Our previous cross-sectional study of patients with thalassemia major suggested progressive lung changes characterized by low total lung capacity, hypoxemia, and elevated transfer factor for carbon monoxide. We reevaluated nine of the patients for three reasons: 1) to determine the relationship of the previous findings to the immediate effects of blood transfusion; 2) to assess the longitudinal progression of the lung changes; and 3) to evaluate the effect of splenectomy on lung volume changes in these patients, all of whom underwent splenectomy in the interval between the two studies. We found that during the 5- to 6-yr period between studies total lung capacity had decreased significantly (pppr=0.74, ppCO carbon monoxide is explained quantitatively as a transient effect caused by blood transfusion. 4) Transfusion in patients with thalassemia major without overt signs of cardiac failure is usually associated with a transient increase in arterial oxygen saturation.