Surface spin fluctuations in the paramagnetic phase

We have analyzed the static and dynamic properties of the surface spin fluctuations (SSF) within a Ginzburg-Landau-type theory for the paramagnetic phase. We have limited ourselves to only the quadratic terms in the fluctuations from mean-field value and have derived the generalized-susceptibility, contribution to the specific heat due to the surface and the friction coefficient η that determines the viscous part of the Brownian motion of a spin of mass M at the surface. We find that the specific heat due to SSF is divergent as (TTc)12 when the surface contribution to the free energy is positive and (TTs)1 when the surface contribution is negative. Ts is the ordering temperature for surface spins such that Ts>Tc. Away from Tc, the time scale of relaxation to equilibrium is governed by the bulk relaxation time τ, but at Tc, when τ is divergent, for positive surface energy the spins relax with a t32 law. For motion perpendicular to the surface ηzz has a cusp at Tc for a positive surface-energy term and diverges as (TTs)1 when it is negative. In contrast, for surface diffusion η11 is finite at Tc and decays linearly for positive surface energy. It has a logarithmic divergence at Ts for negative surface energy.