Absolute elastic differential electron scattering cross sections in the intermediate energy region. III. SF6 and UF6

A recently developed technique has been used to measure the ratios of elastic differential electron scattering cross sections (DCS) for SF6 and UF6 to those of He at electron impact energies of 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, and 75 eV and at scattering angles of 20° to 135°. In order to obtain the absolute values of DCS from these ratios, He DCS of McConkey and Preston have been employed in the 20° to 90° range. At angles in the 90° to 135° range the recently determined cross sections of Srivastava and Trajmar have been utilized. From these DCS, elastic integral and momentum transfer cross sections have been obtained.