This study followed changes in the capacities of uptake and phosphorylation of glucose in response to contractile activity in low-frequency stimulated (10Hz, 24 h/d) rat fast-twitch muscle. We investigated the intracellular distribution of GLUT-4, the major glucose transporter isoform in muscle, changes in the amounts of its specific mRNA and total cellular protein, as well as changes in its relative synthesis rate. These analyses were complemented by measurements of total hexokinase activity and hexokinase II (HKII) expression at the levels of mRNA content and protein synthesis. Changes in protein synthesis were determined by in vivo labeling with [35S]methionine. Translocation of GLUT-4 into the sarcolemma was an immediate response to contractile activity, whereas changes in its total amount were observed only with ongoing stimulation (5 d and longer). A twofold increase in GLUT-4 content after 5 d and longer stimulation periods was preceded by elevations of its mRNA and by enhanced [35S]methionine incorporation. Conversely, increases in HKII expression with a rise in total hexokinase activity occurred soon after the onset of stimulation (30-fold elevations of HKII mRNA after 12 h and 20-fold increases in [35S]methionine incorporation after 24 h). With ongoing stimulation, HKII mRNA and synthesis returned to lower levels (fivefold elevations). Nevertheless, hexokinase activity continued to rise, stabilizing at fivefold-elevated levels after 3 d. These observation suggested that posttranscriptional mechanisms contributed to the upregulation of HKII, e.g. stabilization by elevated intracellular glucose and mitochondrial binding of the enzyme. This suggestion was supported by experiments with cessation after 24 h where hexokinase activity continued to increase, although the mRNA content and, especially, the [35S]methionine incorporation decayed steeply. The increase in HKII prior to GLUT-4 suggests that phosphorylation may be rate limiting in glucose utilization of glycolytic fibers under conditions of sustained contractile activity. Taken together, the changes in distribution and content of GLUT-4, as well as in HKII represent early metabolic adaptations. In addition, they are related to the overall process of stimulation-induced fiber type transformation.