Dibromodulcitol-based combined postoperative chemotherapy of malignant astrocytomas and glioblastomas

Summary Continuing our earlier studies with dibromodulcitol (DBD), in a series of 38 evaluable consecutive patients who were operated on for malignant supratentorial gliomas, radiotherapy with smaller daily but higher total doses of DBD has been started 3–5 weeks after surgery. This was followed alternately by a combination chemotherapy of CCNU and DBD or CCNU and Procarbazine. No severe myelotoxicity occurred. Survivals were compared with a group of patients who got irradiation alone. Statistical analysis showed a significantly better survival in the presently treated group: median survival was 55 weeks, p=0.02. These values were very similar to those groups which were treated by intermittent DBD schedule during irradiation. This study seems to confirm our previous suggestion that the concurrent use of DBD during irradiation might be an important factor in improving survival times.