An ecological study of an Australian dung beetle, Onthophagus granulatus Boheman (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), using physiological age-grading techniques

The distribution and seasonal activity of Onthophagus granulatus Boh. was studied at two sites in eastern Australia. It is a univoltine species, with peaks of activity in spring and early summer. Breeding cycles and periods of stress were demonstrated by the proportions of newly emerged, nulliparous and parous beetles and those resorbing oocytes. The optimum temperature for brood production was 25°C. The threshold of development was 11·3°C, and 495 day-degrees C were required for development from egg to adult. Dung quality and drought were important factors affecting survival and brood production in the field. The distribution of the species in south-eastern Australia is limited by summer rainfall and temperature.