Immunolocalization of a Unique Form of Maize Kernel Glutamine Synthetase Using a Monoclonal Antibody

The pedicel (basal maternal tissue) of maize (Zea mays L.) kernels contains a physically and kinetically unique form of glutamine synthetase (GSp1) that is involved in the conversion of transport forms of nitrogen into glutamine for uptake by the developing endosperm (M.J. Muhitch [1989] Plant Physiol 91: 868–875). A monoclonal antibody has been raised against this kernel-specific GS that does not cross-react either with a second GS isozyme found in the pedicel or with the GS isozymes from the embryo, roots, or leaves. When used as a probe for tissue printing, the antibody labeled the pedicel tissue uniformly and also labeled some of the pericarp surrounding the lower endosperm. Silver-enhanced immunogold staining of whole-kernel paraffin sections revealed the presence of GSp1 in both the vascular tissue that terminates in the pedicel and the pedicel parenchyma cells, which are located between the vascular tissue and the basal endosperm transfer cells. Light staining of the subaleurone was also noted. The tissue-specific localization of GSp1 within the pedicel is consistent with its role in the metabolism of nitrogenous transport compounds as they are unloaded from the phloem.