Escherichia coli spheroplasts lysed by Brij 58 and deoxycholate were separated into supernatant (S) and membrane fractions by low-speed centrifugation. The membrane fraction was further divided into that which was releasable by deoxyribonuclease (fraction D) and that which was not (M). In the presence of 10 −2 m Mg 2+ , the S, D, and M fractions contained, respectively, 60, 20, and 20% of the total cellular ribonucleic acid (RNA). Ribosomal and transfer RNA (rRNA, tRNA) were found in each fraction. The M + D fraction RNA was labeled more by a pulse label. Incorporation of uracil into the D fraction continued only as long as the uptake of exogenous uracil, suggesting that this was a major primary site of RNA synthesis. From pulse-labeled cells, each fraction contained precursor rRNA, and there was a 10 S RNA in the M fraction. Ninety per cent of the ribosomal subunits and the ribosomal precursor particles, 26 and 43 S , were in the S fraction. Precursor RNA (17 S ) was found in the 26 S precursor particles. The D fraction contained 38% of the polysomes (this does not consider polysomes, if any, of the M fraction) which were labeled four times as much as the supernatant polysomes by a 1-min pulse of uracil. These results are interpreted to mean that new RNA is associated with a cytoplasmic membrane-RNA polymerase-DNA complex.