Storage of common mushroom under controlled atmospheres

Summary: The effect of controlled atmosphere (CA) on the shelf‐life of the common mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) was assessed using six parameters correlated with its commerical qualities. Low CO2 concentrations (up to 2.5%) reduced brown discolouration compared to the control in air. Higher CO2 concentrations enhanced both internal and external browning. Low O2 concentrations reduced growth of micro‐organisms, including pseudomonads. Respiration rate, when the mushrooms are placed again in normal air, is proportional to CO2 concentration during storage suggesting that CO2 exhibits a phytotoxic effect on mushrooms. A lower mannitol content was noted in mushrooms stored under CA than those stored in air (control). Mushrooms stored in a 5% CO2 atmosphere for 7 days did not break their veil but their texture was very soft and spongy. Texture losses decreased when CO2 concentrations increased.