Half-life measurements for neutron-rich Tc, Ru, Rh, and Pd isotopes. Identification of the new isotopesTc111,Ru113, andRh113

The decays of three new neutron-rich nuclides Tc111, Ru113, and Rh113 have been observed at an on-line isotope separator facility. In addition, the beta decays of several other n-rich isotopes with A>100 have been studied for the first time. The new half-lives reported in this work include: Tc111 [T1/2=0.30(3) s], Ru111 [2.12(7) s], Ru112 [1.75(7) s], Ru113 [0.80(10) s], Rh113 [2.72(22) s], and Pd118 [2.24(17) s]. In general, these results support the microscopic theoretical half-life predictions below Z=50.