Depopulation ofTam180by Coulomb excitation and possible astrophysical consequences

The depopulation of Tam180 by Coulomb excitation was investigated in a thick-target experiment using beams of S32 and S36 with energies of 70–130 MeV on disks of natural tantalum. The resulting Ta180 ground-state population was measured by detecting its eight-hour decay. At the higher incident energies the observed Ta180 yield is dominated by sub-Coulomb neutron pickup transfer reactions on the 104 times more abundant Ta181. At the lower incident energies in Ta180 ground-state yield is found to be compatible with Coulomb excitation of the isomer to an intermediate level with energies Ex<1 MeV and a reduced transition probability B(E2)≃0.02–0.25 Weisskopf units. Consequences for the astrophysical production mechanism of Ta180 are discussed.