Excitation functions up to 19 Mev have been measured for the Ni58(p, 2p), Ni58(p, pn), and Ni58(p, α) reactions, and for the Ni60(p, α) reaction up to 13 Mev. The ratio of the (p, 2p) cross section to the (p, pn) cross section is 3.5 at 19 Mev, and increases with decreasing energy. It is proposed that this excess of proton emission can be accounted for by nuclear evaporation theory, and a computer calculation of the excitation functions using this theory is described. The calculation reproduces the (p, 2p) and (p, pn) curves quite well, and gives evidence that the compound nucleus mechanism probably applies to these reactions. The calculated (p, α) curve does not agree with the experimental results as well.