A recent paper by Luken and Sinanoǧlu (Phys. Rev. A 13 1293, 1976) has criticized some of our work and contains material on excited states and oscillator strengths. We suggest that satisfaction of upper boundedness via the Hylleraas-Undheim-MacDonald theorem is neither a sufficient nor a necessary condition for obtaining reasonably accurate oscillator strengths. Our method for truncated Hamiltonian matrices which chooses the root which minimizes the energy as well as the correlation overlap XX in fact yielded upper bounds and did not suffer a "variational collapse." We point out that for excited valence states embedded in Rydberg or continuum series, the f values are very sensitive to (a) choice of basis sets and (b) Relative position of diagonal matrix elements. The Ni So42s2p4 P4, Bi Po22s2p2 S2, Ci 2p2 P32s2p3 Po3 transitions serve as examples.

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