Matrix Operator Theory of Radiative Transfer 2: Scattering from Maritime Haze

Matrix operator theory is used to calculate the reflected and transmitted radiance of photons that have interacted with plane-parallel maritime haze layers. The results are presented for three solar zenith angles, three values of the surface albedo, and a range of optical thicknesses from very thin to very thick. The diffuse flux at the lower boundary and the cloud albedo are tabulated. The forward peak and other features in the single scattered phase function cause the radiance in many cases to be very different from that for Rayleigh scattering. In particular the variation of the radiance with both the zenith or nadir angle and the azimuthal angle is more marked and the relative limb darkening under very thick layers is greater for haze M than for Rayleigh scattering. The downward diffuse flux at the lower boundary for A = 0 is always greater and the cloud albedo is always less for haze M than for Rayleigh layers.