Theoretical Insights into the Mechanism for Thiol/Disulfide Exchange

The mechanism for thiol/disulfide exchange has been studied with high-level theoretical calculations. Free energies, transition structures, charge densities, and solvent effects along the reaction pathway have been determined for the first time. Mechanistic results agree with experimental data, and support the idea that the thiolate is the reacting species and that the reaction indeed proceeds through an uncomplicated SN2 transition state. The transition structures have the charge density evenly concentrated in the attacking and leaving sulfur atoms. The charge densities allow us to rationalize the solvent effects. As transition structures have the charge density more widely distributed than reactants, hydrophobic environments catalyze the reaction. The effect can be so dramatic that disulfide exchange inside the active site of ribonucleotide reductase is estimated to be catalyzed 103 times faster than the reaction in water. It was also found that attack by thiol is much faster than previously assumed, if mediated through water chains. Although the present results, as well as experimental data, still suggest that thiolate is the main reaction species, water-mediated thiol attack is almost kinetically competitive, and can eventually become competitive under specific experimental conditions.