Power-suppressed contributions to deep-inelastic processes

We present results of a direct calculation of leading power-law corrections to the proton and pion structure functions at large x to order 1Q4 for νW2proton and 1Q2 for WLproton and to order 1Q2 for νW2pion and WLpion. For νW2 we find large (1x)4 corrections to the leading (1x)3 behavior as x1 and substantial (1x)2Q2 corrections, a phenomenologically desirable form. We find a very large value for the coefficient of 1Q2 in (σLσT)proton. The 1Q2 correction to νW2pion is of the form proposed by Berger and Brodsky but much smaller than their estimate after complete normalization constraints are imposed. In addition, this correction is not purely longitudinal until (1x) is very near zero.