Circular-scan streak tube with solid-state readout

A circular-scan streak tube designed for use in a laser ranging system is described. Electrostatic focusing is used between the photocathode and a microchannel plate, and electrons from the microchannel plate are proximity focused onto an output phosphor screen. Electron beam deflection is achieved by driving two orthogonal sets of deflection plate assemblies in phase quadrature at a frequency of 200 MHz. The light intensity in the output beam trace is measured by using a circular Reticon array of 720 photodiodes, which is fiber-optically coupled to the output phosphor screen of the tube. Sample measurements of frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser-pulse waveforms are given. Also the output beamwidth has been measured at the 200-MHz deflection frequency. The results suggest a limiting resolution of 33 psec for the circular-scan streak tube used for these tests.