There are four major tooth attachment modes in actinopterygians. Type 1 mode is characterized by complete ankylosis of the tooth to the attachment bone; it is the primitive attachment mode for actinopterygians. In Type 2 mode there is a ring of collagen between the tooth base and the bone. In Type 3 mode mineralization extends near or to the bone at the anterior tooth border, and there is a relatively large collagen area on the posterior surface of the tooth; Type 3 teeth are hinged with an anterior axis of rotation. Type 4 teeth also have a relatively large posterior collagen area, but there is no collagenous connection between the anterior basal tooth border and the attachment bone; Type 4 teeth are hinged, with a posterior axis of rotation. Types 2, 3, and 4 attachment modes appear to result from retardation of mineralization and resemble, with some modifications, ontogenetic stages in the development of Type 1 mode; they are considered to be paedomorphic features. Attachment modes 2, 3, and 4 are each associated with a major evolutionary lineage within the Teleostei. The degree to which paedomorphosis has been a factor in teleostean evolution is discussed.