In previous publications we1stated that observations were being made to determine whether or not phenoltetraiodophthalein would prove to have superior advantages over tetraiodophenolphthalein for purposes of cholecystography. It will be recalled that these two substances are isomeric compounds differing from each other in the location of the iodine atoms in the molecule. Phenoltetraiodophthalein also is characterized by its ability to stain the serum sufficiently to make it of use in determinations of hepatic function, for which purpose it has the same possibilities as phenoltetrachlorphthalein. We have now given the sodium salt of phenoltetraiodophthalein intravenously to fifty patients. For purposes of intravenous use in cholecystography it seems to possess very decided advantages over anything else hitherto employed. Satisfactory shadows of the gallbladder can be obtained with smaller doses than with the isomeric compound, tetraiodophenolphthalein. Its use, therefore, is followed by fewer and much less severe toxic reactions, although within

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