Effect of DNA Supercoiling on the Geometry of Holliday Junctions

Unusual DNA conformations including cruciforms play an important role in gene regulation and various DNA transactions. Cruciforms are also the models for Holliday junctions, the transient DNA conformations critically involved in DNA homologous and site-specific recombination, repair, and replication. Although the conformations of immobile Holliday junctions in linear DNA molecules have been analyzed with the use of various techniques, the role of DNA supercoiling has not been studied systematically. We utilized atomic force microscopy (AFM) to visualize cruciform geometry in plasmid DNA with different superhelical densities at various ionic conditions. Both folded and unfolded conformations of the cruciform were identified, and the data showed that DNA supercoiling shifts the equilibrium between folded and unfolded conformations of the cruciform toward the folded one. In topoisomers with low superhelical density, the population of the folded conformation is 50−80%, depending upon the ionic strength of the buffer and a type of cation added, whereas in the sample with high superhelical density, this population is as high as 98−100%. The time-lapse studies in aqueous solutions allowed us to observe the conformational transition of the cruciform directly. The time-dependent dynamics of the cruciform correlates with the structural changes revealed by the ensemble-averaged analysis of dry samples. Altogether, the data obtained show directly that DNA supercoiling is the major factor determining the Holliday junction conformation.