Self-Sterilizing Materials. 2 . Evaluation of Surface Antibacterial Activity

The cross-linked polyacrylamide films containing covalently-bonded N'-4- (2-acryloyloxyethyl)phenyl-N5-4-chlorophenylbiguanide hydrochloride (CPF-2) exhibit antibacterial activity at their surfaces and successfully act as self- sterilizing materials. Scanning electron microscopy studies indicate that inoc ulated cells of E. coli and S. aureus onto CPF-2 films undergo morphological changes, such as shrinkage and deformation, while those inoculated on blank cross-linked films remain intact. These morphological changes were ascribed to the collapse of the bacterial cells due to the action of released N1-4-(2-hydroxy ethyl)phenyl-N5-4-chlorophenylbiguanide hydrochloride from CPF-2 by hy drolysis.