The chemical and physical characteristics of a sample of the oil of “Hokke” (pleurogrammus monopterygius, Pallas) have been determined. In the investigation of higher fraction and distillation residue, the authors have recognized the probable existences of highly unsaturated fatty acids of higher molecules such as nisinic acid C24H36O2((Remark: Graphics omitted.)6), scoliodonic acid C24H38O2((Remark: Graphics omitted.)5), thynnic acid C26H40O2 ((Remark: Graphics omitted.)6), sibic acid C26H42O2((Remark: Graphics omitted.)5), and highly unsaturated fatty C28-acid such as C28H46O2((Remark: Graphics omitted.)5), etc. In addition to these compounds, it appears also to contain C28H42O2((Remark: Graphics omitted.)7), C28H44O2((Remark: Graphics omitted.)6), etc. Highly unsaturated C28-fatty acids have not yet been reported as occurring in any other oils. Since the authors found shortly before scoliodonic acid C24H38O2((Remark: Graphics omitted.)5), in a shark liver oil (Scoliodon laticaudus Müller and Henle), the research of these kinds of highly unsaturated fatty acids of higher molecules became to arous interest in our country. Thus, Y. Toyama and T. Tsuchiya(6) found nisinic acid C24H36O2 and scoliodonic acid C21H38O2 in herring oil, sardine oil and other fish oils, S. Ueno and C. Yones(7) detected not only these new acids, but also thynnic acid C26H40O2, sibic acid C26H42O2, etc. In consideration of the distribution of constituent acids in several kinds of fish oils, the general distribution curves of fatty acid shown in Fig. 2 can be assumed. From curve III, it is evident that the highly unsaturated C28-acids have a possible existence. Nevertheless, to our vexation in the present experiment, these compounds have not been isolated in a pure state, but their occurrence could only be suggested by the bromine contests of bromides. Unsaponifiable substance contain 35.4% of cholesterol C27H46O, and the remainder, which is in liquid state, seems to be composed chiefly of oleyl alcohol C18H38OH. It is a characteristic of this oil that it contains comparatively large quantities of higher molecular C20- and C22-acids, among which the authors have isolated an acid C22H42O2, undoubtedly cetoleic acid.

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