Effect of bandwidth on beam smoothing and frequency conversion at the third harmonic of the Nova laser

We present the results of experiments performed on the Nova laser system to determine the effect of bandwidth on third harmonic (3(omega) ) frequency conversion and beam smoothing by spectral dispersion (SSD). Our experiments utilized a wide bandwidth fiber optic cross- phase modulated (XPM) source and a narrower bandwidth microwave modulated (FM) source, each centered at 1053 nm (1 (omega) ). A significant fraction (> 50%) of the 1(omega) XPM bandwidth was transferred to the 3(omega) beam (22 cm-1 yields 36 cm-1), yielding 0.13% bandwidth at 3(omega) . The maximum intrinsic narrowband 3(omega) frequency conversion obtained using a type-II/type-II KDP crystal array was 62%. The intrinsic efficiency obtained at the Nova 10-beam chamber is typically > 65%. Frequency conversion was essentially unaffected by the 2 cm-1 bandwidth obtained from FM source. However, the 5 - 16 cm-1 of bandwidth from the XPM source reduced the conversion efficiency to approximately 24%. We have developed broadband frequency conversion codes and broadband pulse simulations to model our results, and have obtained good agreement with experiment.

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