The quasiopen string

The quasiopen string in D dimensions is defined by the Nambu-Goto action and the boundary conditions (x’+x)(σα,τ)= Vα(x’-x)(σα,τ), where σ=σ1 and σ2 denote the ends of the string, x’≡∂x/∂σ, and the Vα (α=1,2) are real symmetric orthogonal matrices. (The usual open string corresponds to V1=V2=-1.) We impose Poincaré invariance in d dimensions, d<D. Classically this requires (Vα )jk=-δjk for j,k∈ Poincaré sector and (Vα )jk=0 if only one of j,k belongs to the Poincaré sector. Further quantization gives D=26 and a mass spectrum with a ground-state mass squared MG 2= -(1- Jithetai‖(1-‖theTaI‖)/4)/α’, where ‖thetai‖≤(1/2), exp(2iπthetai) are the eigenvalues of V2 V1, and α’ is the slope parameter in the string action. A choice of thetai giving a tachyon-free spectrum is thus possible if d≤10.

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