Evidence was found which indicated that a mutation in gene trpS affected the rate of synthesis of tyrosine-repressible 3-deoxy-D-arabinoheptulosonic acid-7-phosphate (DAHP) synthetase. The effect was found to occur independently of repression mediated by the tyrR gene product, and it was not due to a change in growth rate, nor was it a manifestation of the stringent response. It is proposed that in the proximal region of the aroF-tyrA operon there is an attenuator site controlled by the level of charged tryptophanyl-transfer RNA. In addition, it was demonstrated that starvation for certain amino acids led to degradation of tyrosine-repressible DAHP synthetase, but not phenylalanine-repressible DAHP synthetase, and supplementation with the missing amino acid led to an increased rate of synthesis of tyrosine-repressible DAHP synthetase during subsequent growth.

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