Preliminary Clinical Experience With the Titanium Greenfield Vena Caval Filter

• Preliminary clinical experience in 40 patients from three institutions is reported for a new titanium model of the Greenfield vena caval filter. The titanium filter is slightly larger than the standard stainless steel filter and can be loaded into a 12 F diameter carrier system as opposed to the 24 F stainless steel filter. In patients ranging from 17 to 94 years of age, percutaneous insertions were made from the right femoral vein in 24 patients, the left femoral vein in 11 patients, and the right internal jugular in 2 patients. Operative access was obtained in 1 patient each from the right femoral, right jugular, and a lumbar vein at laparotomy. Insertion was completed in all cases but 1 and only 1 patient (3%) showed postoperative femoral vein thrombosis. Distal filter migration was seen in 3 cases (7.5%) without sequelae, and there was no proximal migration. The titanium Greenfield vena caval filter provides improved ease of insertion, and the sheath technique should prevent misplacement. Distal migration should be preventable by techniques to promote hook engagement at the time of insertion. (Arch Surg. 1989;124:657-659)