A lymph node biopsy performed on a 55-year-old woman with asymptomatic generalized lymphadenopathy revealed a diffuse, malignant lymphoma composed of small to intermediate-sized lymphocytes with cerebriform-shaped nuclei; electron microscopy confirmed the nuclear complexity. The cerebriform nuclear configuration, coupled with an interfollicular pattern of nodal involvement with encroachment upon residual germinal centers, was presumptive of either mycosis fungoides or a peripheral T-cell lymphoma. Immunologic evaluation, however, indicated that the cerebriform lymphocytes represented a monoclonal B-cell population (IgM-IgD, lambda). Staining with monoclonal antibodies disclosed a phenotype of 1a+, B1+, BA-1+, BA-2+, Leu-1+; the neoplastic cells were unreactive with T-cell, lineage-specific antibodies (anti-Leu-2a, -3a, -4, -5) and with J5 (CALLA). In light of the immunophenotype and the distributional pattern, the cerebriform-shaped lymphocytes may represent an extreme morphologic variant of intermediate lymphocytic lymphoma.