Recovery of Anhydrous Ammonia‐Derived Nitrogen‐15 During Three Years of Corn Production in Iowa

Studies were conducted at two locations to determine recovery of anhydrous ammonia‐derived 15N applied with and without nitrapyrin [2‐ehloro‐6‐(trichloromethyI) pyridine] during corn (Zea mays L.) production over a 3‐yr period in which N fertilizers were applied annually at rates commonly used in the Corn Belt. The results showed that 13 to 33% of the labeled N was removed from the plots during grain harvest in the first crop after application. Recovery of labeled N in the whole plants ranged from 29 to 45%, but the stover was returned to the plots. Nitrapyrin increased the amount of N recovered in plant tissue at only one of the six site years studied. Only small percentages (0.3‐1.5%) of the labeled N were recovered in the second and third crops after application, and nitrapyrin had negligible effects on amounts of labeled N recovered by these crops. Analysis of soil samples collected 1 yr after application of labeled N showed that 19 to 23% of this N remained in the soil. Only small portions of this N existed as exchangeable ammonium and nitrate. Most of this N was in the KMI‐N (Kjeldahl minus inorganic‐N) fraction, which includes N from both organic matter and nonexchangeable ammonium. Large portions (47‐94% of the labeled N found in the KMI‐N fraction 1 yr after application were still present 3 yr after application. The results of this study show that a substantial portion (49–64% of the labeled N was lost from the surface 1.5 m of soil during the first year by processes other than plant uptake. A probable explanation as to why the losses reported here are greater than those reported from many comparable studies is that our determinations included the amounts of fertilizer N lost during the fall‐tospring period. These losses must be considered when evaluating the long‐term efficiency of N fertilization practices and the effects of these practices on environmental quality.