Morphology of the antenna cleaner in the Hymenoptera with particular reference to non‐aculeate families (Insecta)

An electron microscopic survey of antenna cleaner morphology, mainly in non‐aculcate Hymenoptera, is presented. Modified, scale‐ or paddle‐shaped setae on the fore basitarsus were found to be widely distributed throughout the order, but were particularly well developed in the Xyeloidea. Megalodontoidea, Blasticotomidae, Siricoidca, Orussoidea, Cephoidea and Chalcidoidea. as well as in the aculeate family Formicidae. A comb of fine setae on the fore basitarsus was present in all Apocrita, with the exception of the Trigonalyoidea, Evaniidae, and some families of Chalcidoidea, but among the symphytan families was present only in the Orussidae. Members of the symphytan family, Anaxyelidae have a distinct line of discrete setae in the same position as the fine comb of the Orussidae and apocritans which we term a protocomb; members of the Cephidae also show an indication of a protocomb, in the form of a line of more widely spaced, erect setae, that could form part of the same transition series. Members of the Trigonalyoidea and of the Evaniidae have no comb of fine setae but do possess one or more rows of highly modified, plate‐like structures on the fore basitarsi.