Carcinoma of the Paranasal Sinuses

Thirty-eight patients with carcinoma of the paranasal sinuses received primary therapy consisting of external beam megavoltage irradiation alone or in combination with surgery at the Stanford University Medical Center, Division of Radiation Therapy, during the period between 1956–1974. Doses of radiation ranged from 5560 rad over 5 1/2 weeks to 8050 rad over seven weeks. Relapse free survival is 37% and absolute survival 32% at five years. Twenty of 38 patients developed local failure and four patients died with metastatic disease but local control. Serious complications included two cases each of osteoradionecrosis and optic nerve injury. The data are analysed regarding dose, radiotherapeutic technique, patterns of relapse and complications. Cancer 50:154–158, 1982.