Leydig cell development in the pig testis during the late fetal and early postnatal period: An electron microscopic study with attention to the influence of fetal decapitation

The ultrastructure of fetal and postnatal pig Leydig cells was studied from 75 days postcoitum (p.c.) to 1 month after birth. Additionally, decapitated fetuses from 75 days p.c. until birth were used to study the effect of deprivation of gonadotrophins on the ultrastructure of Leydig cells. Normal Leydig cell development was characterized by a change in smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER). Next to branched tubular SER, whirls of elaborate and tightly packed SER membranes appeared. The amount of SER increased with age but decreased slightly before the end of the observation period. Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) was a minor component. Large bundles or whirls of intermediate filaments were abundant until just before birth; thereafter, they decreased drastically. Peroxisome-like structures and crystalloid bodies were observed with increasing frequency from 75 days p.c. and 20 days postpartum onward. Polygonal lysosome-like dense bodies transformed into complex membranous structures especially after birth. Giant mitochondria occurred in the late fetal and postnatal period. From 75 days p.c. onward fully developed Leydig cells were scarce in testes of decapitated fetuses. Leydig cell characteristics disappeared toward the end of the fetal period; only the cell shape, the large bundles or whirls of intermediate filaments, some scarce polygonal lysosome-like dense bodies, and RER remained, but SER was negligible. Progressive hemorrhages apparent in situ were correlated positively with fetal age. The dependency of Leydig cells upon LH began between 60 and 75 days postcoitum.