In the description of the Byron Bog (Judd, 1957) it was pointed out that one method of collecting insects in the bog was the use of a trap baited with malt extract and the position of the trap in the bog was also shown. The construction and use of the trap are described by Judd (1956). The trap was in operation from May 15 to November 15, 1956 and insects were removed from the trap each day and counted. Among the insects so collected were horseflies and deerflies. In addition, four of these flies were coIlected by making a circular sweep with an insect net, held at arm's length, through the tops of the bushes in the Chamaedaphnetum calyculatae association (Judd, 1957). The net used was one with a rim twelve inches in diameter and the radius of the circle over which the sweep was made was six feet. A single sweep was made each day from May 15 to November 15, 1956 and the flies so collected were sorted and counted.