Clinical behavioral problems in day- and night-wetting children

In this prospective, clinical study of 167 consecutive wetting children, the associations between specific forms of day and night wetting and clinical behavioral symptoms according to a parental questionnaire (Child Behavior Checklist; CBCL), as well as ICD-10 child psychiatric diagnoses are analyzed. For the entire group, the proportion of children with at least one ICD-10 diagnosis was 40.1% and for the CBCL total problems scale 28.2% – three times higher than in the general population. Expansive disorders (21%) were twice as common as emotional disorders (12%). A significantly higher (PPPP<0.05) and externalizing symptoms (37% vs. 19.%, NS) than those with urge incontinence. In summary, a third of wetting children showed clinically relevant behavioral problems with specific psychiatric comorbidity for the subtypes. A more-detailed differentiation into syndromes rather than into day/night and primary/secondary forms is needed.

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