Interferometric crosstalk-free optical add/drop multiplexer using Mach-Zehnder-based fiber gratings

Mach-Zehnder interferometers with fiber Bragg gratings (MZ-FG) are investigated as promising devices for wavelength-selectable optical add-and-drop multiplexers (OADM). A wavelength reused OADM performance is demonstrated for the first time to our knowledge in a six-channel, 10 Gb/s WDM experiment using a single-stage MZ-FG. We discuss both theoretically and experimentally the interferometric crosstalk induced by imperfect Bragg-reflectivity. Two methods are proposed to solve the interferometric crosstalk issues. The first one is wavelength offset scheme. It is experimentally confirmed that there is no interference when the wavelength of crosstalk is away from that of the signal at least two times of bit-rate. In order to separate each wavelength, the master-slave wavelength control method is proposed with Fabry-Perot interferometer made of a set of fiber gratings. The second one is a cascaded MZ-FG scheme eliminating the crosstalk itself. The calculation indicates that a Bragg-reflectivity of only 93% can suppress the crosstalk to be -35 dB. Cascaded MZ-FG's have been fabricated to show that the interferometric crosstalk can be successfully reduced to -50 dB for the add signal, and -71 dB for the drop signal, respectively. The eight-wavelength 10 Gb/s OADM experiment is carried out to demonstrate the low interferometric crosstalk performance.