Constructive methods for the ground-state energy of fully interacting fermion gases

A perturbation scheme based not on the ideal gas but on a system of purely repulsive cores is applied to a typical fully interacting fermion gas. This is ‘‘neutron matter’’ interacting via (a) the repulsive ‘‘Bethe homework-problem’’ potential, (b) a hard-coreplussquare-well potential, and (c) the Baker-Hind-Kahane modification of the latter, suitable for describing a more accurate two-nucleon potential. Padé extrapolation techniques and generalizations thereof are employed to represent both the density dependence as well as the attractive coupling dependence of the perturbation expansion. Equations of state are constructed and compared with JastrowMonte Carlo calculations as well as expectations based on semiempirical mass formulas. Excellent agreement is found with the latter.

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