The Radioactivity from Thorotrast and its Retention in Tissues

The retention of thorium and its decay products in tissues, after the administration of thorotrast, has been investigated. The activity of each of the α-emitting products present in the thorotrast at various times after preparation has been measured by mixing thorotrast with a nuclear emulsion and analysing the lengths of the α-particle tracks. The deposition of thorotrast in the reticulo-endothelial system after injection and the activity of tissue samples in vitro have been investigated by means of α-track autoradiographs. By comparing this activity with that of the thorotrast at the same time, the escape of MsTh1 and ThX in vivo could be deduced. The results obtained with sections of spleen, liver, bone marrow and other tissues from five patients show that from 50 to 100% of all α-emitting products are retained in the tissues.