The striking results of V. N. Shamov in experiments on dogs and the special conditions of the work in my clinic, frequently requiring immediate blood transfusion, stimulated me to attempt the use of cadaver blood for transfusion in human beings. My first experience was with the case of a young engineer who slashed both of his wrists in a suicidal attempt. He was brought to our hospital pulseless and with slow, jerky respiration. Transfusion with 420 cc. of blood taken from the cadaver of a man, aged 60, who had been killed in an automobile accident just six hours before, promptly revived him. My assistants Dr. M. G. Skundina and Dr. S. I. Barenboim1studied in dogs the oxygen exchange according to Barcroft before bleeding, after partial exsanguination, and after transfusing these animals with blood taken from dogs killed a few hours before. They were able to show that