The Effect of Cation and Anion Resin Mixtures on the Salt Content of Raw Skimmilk

In order to prepare milk samples of varying salt concn. by exchange resins, the effect of mixed cation and anion resins salt content of milk was investigated. Fresh raw skim milk was treated with cationic (Nalcite HCR, hydrogen cycle) and anionic (Nalcite SAR, hydroxyl cycle) resin mixtures, at 4 different levels each, by the batch process. Resin mixtures containing 0.00, 7.48, 14.93 and 22.41 meq. of hydrogen ion and 0.00, 18.67, 37.32 and 55.99 meq. of hydroxyl ion in all possible combinations were agitated with 400 ml. portions of raw skim milk on a mechanical rocker for 60 min. The samples were filtered and analyzed. N content was not affected except when coagulation occurred. pH and the Ca, Na, and K content decreased with increases in cation resin concn. Citrate, chloride and sulfate content decreased with increases in anion resin concn. while graph of inorganic phosphate content with anion resin concn. showed a min. As the anion resin concn. increased Ca content showed a min. removal while Na and K content showed a max. removal at the same anion resin concn. Some attempts are made to interpret these results.