The association connexions of the suprasylvian fringe (SF) and other areas of the cat auditory cortex

The association connexions of the peri-auditory (SF, Ea and INS) and auditory (AI, AII and Ep) areas of the cat cortex were studied in silver impregnated material of 32 experiments with cortical lesions. The cortex of the lateral bank of the rostral part of the middle suprasylvian sulcus (SF) sends many fibres to AI and to the insular cortex (INS), and has scanty projections upon AII and Ep. In addition, it sends fibres to the visual area 17 as well as to the ventral bank of the medial part of the cruciate sulcus. It receives fibres from the three auditory areas AI, AII and Ep, as well as from Ea and INS. The dorsal part of the anterior ectosylvian gyrus (Ea) projects upon SF, AI, and AII. Ea sends few fibres to Ep, and receives relatively dense projections from AI and AII. The anterior sylvian gyrus (INS) projects heavily upon AII as well as upon the superficial part of SF. It sends few fibres also to Ep. INS receives heavy projections from AII and relatively lighter connections from SF, AI and Ep. The three auditory areas AI, AII and Ep are strongly mutually interconnected. AI and Ep have scanty projections upon the visual area 19, and AI also to the lateral suprasylvian visual area, as well as upon the ventral bank of the medial cruciate sulcus. Correlations of the association connexions with the functions of each area are discussed.