Effects of age at seroconversion and baseline HIV RNA level on the loss of CD4+ cells among persons with hemophilia

To assess the impact of age at seroconversion and HIV RNA level in serum during early chronic infection on the initial values and subsequent trends (slopes) of CD4+ lymphocyte counts. In a cohort of 137 HIV-1-positive hemophiliacs with well-estimated dates of seroconversion, baseline HIV RNA level was measured by reverse transcription PCR in serum specimens collected 12–36 months after the estimated date of seroconversion. Baseline values, 24 months after seroconversion, and slopes of CD4+ lymphocyte counts by age and HIV RNA quartile were examined by fitting random effects models that allowed for intrasubject variability. Both age at seroconversion and HIV RNA level were associated with the CD4+ lymphocyte count at baseline and its subsequent slope. The baseline median CD4+ lymphocyte count was 620 × 106/l. Within each HIV RNA quartile, the median CD4+ cell count of the oldest subjects (age 30–58 years) was about 200 × 106/l lower and at least 350 × 106/l lower than the median counts of the younger (age 11–29 years) and youngest (age 2–10 years) subjects, respectively. Within each age-group, the median CD4+ cell count differed by about 200 × 106/l between subjects in the lowest compared with the highest HIV RNA quartiles. The mean slope of the CD4+ lymphocyte count after month 24 was linear on the square-root scale, steeper in children, and did not vary significantly by baseline HIV RNA quartile. There was large variation between subjects that was unexplained by differences in age and HIV RNA level. By 24 months after HIV seroconversion, the oldest subjects and those with the highest HIV RNA levels during early chronic infection had experienced the most severe depletion of CD4+ cells. Subsequent declines in CD4+ cells varied little by early chronic HIV RNA level or age.