Crystal Magnetic Anisotropy and Magnetization of MnSb

Single crystals of MnSb with various Mn compositions in ε phase were prepared successfully with Bridgeman method. Magnetization and torque measurements were made on these crystals in temperatures ranging from 4.2°K to 800°K. The temperature dependence of saturation magnetization on the sample with 48.2 at. % Mn was in good agreement with Brillouin function of J =3/2∼2, but the samples with Mn rich composition exhibited slight discrepancies from this function. The saturation magnetization per Mn atom at 0°K in Bohr magneton decreases with increasing Mn composition, and these values are well explained quantitatively as excess Mn atoms with 2.2µ B occupy the B site and these spins are arranged antiparallel to those of A site Mn with 3.5µ B . The temperature dependences of the first order crystal magnetic anisotropy of various Mn compositions exhibit analogous function with those of cobalt and nickel derived from Carr's theory.

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