While rats were responding in a single‐lever apparatus to avoid electric shock, a signal was presented and followed by a 5‐min timeout period when all shocks were omitted. For the response‐dependent member of each yoked pair, the first response 60 sec after onset of the pre‐timeout signal terminated the signal and initiated timeout. The other, yoked animal was exposed to the same sequence except that signal termination and timeout onset were response independent. Under the response‐dependent condition, response rates in the presence of the signal increased relative to baseline rates. Rate increases also occurred when timeout was response independent, but were of lesser magnitude and reliability. Subsequent reversal of the yoking arrangement produced stable and equivalent rate increases under both conditions. Other findings were that increased rates in the presence of the signal diminished when timeout was omitted but were maintained for a time on an avoidance‐extinction baseline. In general, the results supported the conclusion of previous experiments that timeout from avoidance can serve as a positive reinforcer. The finding that response‐independent presentation of timeout produced rate increases, particularly after a history with response‐dependent timeout, was interpreted in terms of adventitious reinforcement of previously established behavior.

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