Polypyrrole-heparin composites as stimulus-responsive substrates for endothelial cell growth

Heparin is a potent anticoagulant which can be immobilized on biomaterial surfaces to increase their hemocompatability. In the present work, we have electrochemically synthesized composites comprising heparin and the electrically conducting polymer polypyrrole. The incorporation and exposure of heparin were controlled by varying key conditions of polymer synthesis (i.e., applied current and synthesis time). The resulting composite polymers were electroactive after synthesis and the amount of heparin exposed in the polymer could be increased (up to threefold) by switching the polymers from their oxidized to reduced states. Polymer reduction was achieved by either application of negative potentials (−0.4 to −0.7 V for 90 s) or exposure to aqueous reductant (0.1M sodium dithionite for 30 min). Heparin–polypyrrole composites remained stable after autoclaving, displaying no significant loss of electroactivity, and had a shelf life of at least 2 years postautoclaving. Finally, the composites were found to be excellent substrates for the growth of human endothelial cells. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res, 44, 121–129, 1999.