Level Structure ofCd109from the Decay ofIn109

The excited levels of Cd109 have been investigated from the decay of In109 with high-resolution Ge(Li) and Si(Li) detectors as well as with standard scintillation counters. In109 was produced by the (α,n) reaction on enriched Cd106. This reaction produced Sn109, which decays with a short half-life to In109. Levels of the following energies (in keV) have been established in Cd109: 59.5, 203.3, 347.4, 426.2, 623.8, 673.7, 721.5, 822.5, 997.5, 1352.2, 1475.6, 1539.8, 1622.5, and 1772.6. The use of two Ge(Li) detectors in connection with the PDP-8/I and a program for two-dimensional analysis with a 4096-dual analog-to-digital converter revealed the presence of several previously unreported transitions in In109. Based on the γγ and βγ coincidence results, a consistent level scheme for Cd109 is given. The spin and parity assignments of levels of Cd109 are discussed.