Linkage Drag in Backcross Breeding in Barley

Linkage estimates among 15 isozyme and three seed protein loci in barley (Hordeum vulgare) placed two loci on chromosome 1, three on chromosome 4, eight on chromosome 5, and five on chromosome 6. The markers provided a test of the theory of segmental lengths and residual background genome retention under backcrossing. oThe backcross lines were from the cultivar Clipper, and each was homozygous for an allozyme variant introduced from wild barley (H. spontaneum). The lines were unselected for their genotype at the hordein loci Hor1, Hor2, and Hor3, all on chromosome 5. Among 68 lines selected for allozyme markers not-on chromosome 5, 12 still possessed H. spontaneum hordeins at one or more of the three hordeln loci, whereas among eight lines selected for chromosome 5 markers, four possessed H. spontaneum hordeins.