The LI, LII, LIII, MI, MII, MIII, MIV, NI, NIII, and OI conversion lines of a 26.22±0.01-kev transition in Pb205 have been found from studies with electromagnetically separated samples of Bi205. The transition, having M2 character, most probably takes place from a 4-msec i132 state of 1014.0 kev to the 987.6-kev 92 state, thus causing the latter state to appear metastable, as has earlier been reported. This suggestion is also supported by strong evidence for the existence of a 310.5-kev E3 transition between the isomeric state and the 703.3-kev state. The energy 1014.0 kev of the i132 state coincides with a transition energy in Pb205 earlier reported, and is found to fit well into the energy systematics of the i132f52 M4 transitions in the odd lead isotopes.

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