Relationship of Live Measurements and Carcass Characteristics of Swine

Muscle thickness and fat thickness over the supraspinous fossa and over the ilium were measured on 105 live barrows and compared with other live measurements and carcass measurements as indicators of carcass characteristics. The average of three backfat probes was the most accurate indicator of percent lean cuts and percent fat cuts among the live animal measurements. These measurements included backfat probes, probe measurements of muscle thickness and fat thickness over the supraspinous fossa and over the ilium, tape measurements of jowl and body dimensions, condition score, and age at slaughter. The average of three backfat probes was also a more accurate indicator of percent lean cuts and percent fat cuts than were the carcass measurements, length, area of loin eye at the tenth rib and at the last rib, and backfat measurements. Probe measurements appear to be sufficiently accurate and to have numerous other advantages over alternative method so that they should be used widely in selecting for improvement in meatiness. Copyright © . .