Rigorous stationary bounds one-atom scattering lengths: Target ground-state wave functions imprecisely known

In recent work, the existence of stationary bounds on bound-state matrix elements for rather broad classes of quantum-mechanical operators was used to obtain a stationary upper bound on the scattering length for the collision of positrons with atoms whose target wave functions are not precisely known. This was done by obtaining calculable stationary bounds on the unknown matrix elements which appear in the formal expression for the bound on the scattering length. This method is extended in the present paper to electron-atom scattering for which it is necessary to obtain-in addition to bounds of the previous type-stationary bounds on the various exchange integrals. These latter cannot be obtained by means of techniques previously described. New techniques are presented for deriving such bounds, which are then used to obtain rigorous stationary upper bounds on the scattering length for the collisions of electrons with helium and with atoms heavier than helium.