Prolonged Effect on Caries of Short-Term Feeding of Rice Hulls to Cotton Rats

Rice hulls incorporated in a cariogenic diet fed to cotton rats for 98 days reduce caries incidence by 49% and caries extent by 60%. Feeding the hulls from the 18th to 28th day of age followed by the cariogenic diet for 88 days reduces incidence by 40% and extent by 45%. Feeding hulls for 10 day periods beyond the 28th day of age is significantly less effective. Short term feeding periods prevent caries initiation and arrest caries that develop for as long as 40 days prior to hull exposure. Exposure of newly erupted first and second molars to rice hulls for only 10 days following weaning makes them resistant to caries for a subsequent period of 88 days. Early exposure of the weanling rat to hulls also reduces caries in the third molars which erupt several weeks after weaning. The rice hulls primarily reduce caries in maxillary molars.

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